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Lighting Retro-Fit, Required by the U.S. Department of Energy New Lamp Rules Effective July 2012

U.S. Department of Energy Issues New Lamp Efficiency Rules – Effective July 2012

The new Standards will go into effect on July 14, 2012 and will stop the production of many everyday Fluorescent Lamps such as the F34T12 and many of the F96T12 and F96T12HO lamp types. The cool White Deluxe (CWX) and Daylight Deluxe (DX) will be exempted from the changes due to the Color Rending Index (CRI) of the lamps but many of the high volume T12 4’ or 8’ Fluorescents we now sell will no longer be mfg after July 14, 2012 which will dramatically affect the manufacturing cost of what T12 Fluorescents remain available. Please see attached document that will go into more detail on the Standards that must now be met. One thing to note is that most U-Bent T12 lamps and the everyday F32T8 700 series Fluorescents Lamps and U-Bent T8 700 series Fluorescent Lamps will no longer be available or at least not as they are currently produced.

Along with the Fluorescent changes there will be many changes into the Halogen PAR product as well as most of those lamps types will be replaced as IRC Halogen PAR lamp types.

Summary: New 2012 Standards for General Service Fluorescent Lamps (GSFL)
Issued by the US Department of Energy June 29, 2009

Lamp Type Correlated Color Temperature Energy Conservation Standard Im/W
4-Foot (T8-T12) Medium Bi-pin ≥ 25W ≤ 4,500K 89
  >4,500K and ≤7,000K 88
2-Foot (T8-T12) U-Shaped ≥25W ≤ 4,500K 84
  >4,500K and ≤7,000K 81
8-Foot (T8-T12) Slimline ≥52W ≤ 4,500K 97
  >4,500K and ≤7,000K 93
8-Foot (T8-T12) High Output ≤ 4,500K 92
  >4,500K and ≤7,000K 88
4-Foot (T5) Miniature Bi-pin Standard Output ≥26W ≤ 4,500K 86
  >4,500K and ≤7,000K 81
4-Foot (T5) Miniature Bi-pin High Output ≥49W ≤ 4,500K 76
  >4,500K and ≤7,000K 72

Effective Date of new DOE standards: July 14, 2012

Current exemptions continue [For example, lamps with CRI ≥87, cold temp. (CT), UV, etc.]

Impact for Lamps ≤4500K and >4,500K and ≤7,000K

  • T12 4-ft. & 2-ft U-lamps with medium bi-pin bases
    • Majority of F40 and F34T12 lamps and all FB40 and FB34T12 U-Lamps fail.
    • -4-ft. requires 3560 lumens @ 40W and 3030 lumens @ 35W to pass @ 89LPW.
    • -2-ft. U-lamps require 3360 @ 40W and 2856 @ 34W to pass @ 84LPW.
      • CWX/DX/DSGN50/C50 are exempt due to CRI.
  • T12 8-ft. Slimline with single pin bases
    • All 75W F96T12 lamps fail.
    • All 60W F96T12/ES fail except for the 800/SPX Series & some 700/SP long life Series.
    • CWX/DX/DSGN50/C50 are exempt due to CRI.
  • T12 8-ft. 800mA HO with RDC bases
    • All 110W F96T12 HO lamps fail. Requires enhanced coatings with 10,120 lumens to pass.
    • All 95W F96T12/ES/HO fail except for enhanced 800 Series. Requires 8740 lumens to pass.
    • CWX/DX/DSGN50/C50 are exempt due to CRI; CW/CT & D/CT are exempt.
  • T8 4-ft. & 2-ft. U-lamps with medium bi-pin bases
    • All 4-ft. T8 basic 700/SP Series lamps @ 2800 lumens fail. Requires 2850 lumens to pass.
    • All other 4-ft. pass.
    • All 2-ft. 800/SPX Series U-lamps pass. Some 700-SP Series pass.
  • T8 8-ft. Slimline with single pin bases
    • All pass except some 700/SP Series. Requires 5723 lumens @ 59W to pass.
  • T8 8-ft. HO with RDC bases
    • All pass except some 700/SP Series. Requires 7912 lumens @ 86W to pass.
  • T5 4-ft. with miniature bi-pin bases
    • All pass.

Summary: Energy Conservation Standards for Incandescent Reflector Lamps (IRL) Issued by the US Department of Energy June 29, 2009

Lamp Wattage Lamp Type Diameter Voltage Minimum LPW; expressed here as a range for 40W through 205W, as LPW is derived from a formula based on lamp watts
40W-205W Standard Spectrum >205 inches
(PAR30, PAR38, BR30 & ER30, BR40 &ER40)
≥ 125 (130V) 6.8 X lamp watts0.27
18.4 to 31.9 LPW
< 125
5.9 X lamp watts0.27
16.0 to 27.6 LPW
≤ 2.5 inches (R20 & PAR20) ≥ 125 (130V) 5.7 X lamp watts0.27
15.4 to 26.7 LPW
< 125
5.0 X lamp watts0.27
13.5 to 23.4 LPW
40W-205W Modified Spectrum Standards are approximately 17% less stringent than for Standard Spectrum Lamps

Exemptions to IRL Standards:

  • Lamps that are 50W or less: ER30, BR30, BR40, and ER40
  • Lamps that are 65W exactly: BR30, BR40, and ER40
  • Lamps that are 45W or less: R20

Exemptions should remain intact until July 1, 2013, per pending federal energy legislation

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